Personal Reconnection


The Personal Reconnection® uses the frequencies of Reconnective Healing®, but differs in method. It is a very precise procedure, reconnecting the meridians of your body to the telluric lines of our planet, as well as to the universal energy grid of all dimensions of time and space.

In this, the Personal Reconnection is an extraordinary tool for realignment and an accelerator of personal evolution. This profound process of “self-restoration” allows us to find our own essence, to attain fulfillment and to prepare for the “quantum leap” that is coming.

The Personal Reconnection is done in two separate sessions, with the second one taking place no later than three days after the first.

Receiving your Personal Reconnection is an important decision. Not everyone makes the choice to rebalance his or her life so intensely. The Personal Reconnection is a once-in-a-lifetime step. Its price (in Europe) is set at 333 euros.

A Personal Reconnection session is like recalibrating your life-compass