Reconnective Healing

Reconnective Healing acts as an “upgrade” of all our energy fields, right down to our DNA


Reconnective Healing®, developed and taught by Eric Pearl for 25 years, connects us to a spectrum of Energy, Light and Information that enlivens our entire planet. It is a highly evolved form of energy interaction that continues to advance our health, balance, and quality of life with infinite freedom and expanded consciousness. It promotes our ability to heal ourselves and impact the lives of others.

These vibrational frequencies encompass the energy systems and benefits of many ancestral holistic healing techniques, yet are accessible without complicated steps, procedures or rituals. Reconnective Healing is tangible and measurable. We can actually feel it!

We gain access to an inner awareness with a vibrational resonance that promotes strength, brainpower, wisdom, emotional stability and physical vitality. Reconnective Healing creates a chain of events that can greatly enhance and improve all aspects of your life – health, career, relationships, abundance… Seemingly unreachable potential becomes reality.

The studies carried out by scientists, including researchers affiliated with institutions such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford, have highlighted in particular that Reconnective Healing is practiced with as many results at a distance as in a consulting room, due to the specific undulatory nature of the frequencies mobilized. An asset that has proven to be invaluable in times of containment.

This powerful harmonization has changed the lives of many people around the world. Of the more than 100,000 people who have received various levels of training in Reconnective Healing, many became practitioners, either privately or professionally.

Everyone’s experience with Reconnective Healing is unique. Its effects can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual (in the broadest sense). Often healings are reported after just one session, but the process continues for several days after. It should be noted that the action of Reconnective Healing sometimes takes several weeks (or even months) to manifest itself to its full extent.

No prerequisites are required for a session. You only empty our mind to “receive” without interference the frequencies of Energy, Light and Information.

It is important to remain in a neutral state of expectancy, with no focus on particular outcomes. There is no need to breathe a special way, visualize relaxing scenes or desired results, meditate, pray or recite mantras, which distract attention. Energy knows exactly what is most useful to you at that moment. Particular sensations may occur; interesting to note.

Learning to receive, without intention, without expectations, in gratitude


Your Reconnective Healing session

If you are interested in a Reconnective Healing session, in office or at a distance, do not hesitate to contact a practitioner of your choice to arrange an appointment.

For maximum benefit, it is recommended not to mix Reconnective Healing with other energy healing practices a few days before and after the session.

Warning: Reconnective Healing is perfectly complementary to Western medicine (and so-called alternative therapies), whose action it reinforces. It should be stressed that it can in no way replace medical treatment (current or future). It does not diagnose or treat specific health problems. Reconnective Healing does not refer to any existing religion, philosophy or healing practice. No contraindications or negative side effects have been recorded to date.

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